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MS CRM Subgrid Plus button "+" to open new record form without mandating the related entity

  i had one requirement for customization of Sub grid where i need to make the "+" button compulsorily open new record form for the entity and stop showing the lookup search for adding the existing records

   It can be easily done by making the lookup field of parent field mandatory but i can't do that because it is Task entity and we should not make any field compulsory if that entity is Task

The solution is simple as follows

1. Create a solution having the entity in my case it was Task
2. Open that solution in Ribbon Workbench
3. Go to Sub-grid Command bar
4. There you can find three buttons
         ADD NEW {0}
         ADD EXISTING {0} - Appears twice
5. If you want to open new record form every time 
just hide both the Add Existing {0} and it will open new form every time you click the "+" button on sub-grid
6. If you just want want to hide the Plus Button hide all the three buttons from ribbon workbench 
